W.F.T. Bushnell, editor of the Dakota Farmer, Huron, got his right hand badly smashed in a cylinder printing press. He will lose half of his hand.
Bismark Daily Tribune, 4/1/1888
Somewhere between Bismarck and Fort Lincoln, Lieut. Josiah Chance, of the Seventeenth Infantry, who left this city Wednesday morning, since which time he has not shown up. His disconsolate brother in law will pay a liberal reward for the return to The Tribune office, and for the conviction of the felons who are supposed to have stolen him.
Bismarck Tribune, 3/1/1879
Don't worry about Josiah Chance; although I found nothing more about his disappearance and suspected kidnapping, he won the Louisiana Lottery in 1883.
Wahpeton, N.D., Mar. 13—Edgar E Waite, who runs an elevator in this city, while the machinery was in motion, as usual, went to the working room and stepped over the conveyor. He tried it once too often today, however, for his foot slipped into the conveyor and his right leg was broken above the ankle.
The machinery made so much noise that his shouting for assistance was not heard, and he laid there in terrible agony for more than half an hour before he was found, and then he was so wedged in the convey that he had to be sawed out.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 3/14/1911
Poison Fiend Is At Work
Napoleon, N.D., March 20—A poison fiend who put strychnine into food at Peter Weber's home, near here, last night, nearly killed several members of the household this morning.
The man, given lodging, placed strychnine in the coffee and breakfast food. He left during the night and no trace of him has been found.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 3/20/1916
Harvey—For the second time in five years the city water tower fell, badly damaging nearby buildings. The first fall was occasioned by freezing in 1917, and the recent one by a fire which weakened the supporting structure.
Turtle Mountain Star, 3/16/1922
A Swede by the name of Chas. Larson fired seven or eight shots from a revolver, on Fourth street, Sunday night, one of the bullets going through the door of Hall & Co's sample room. He holds an old grudge against Louis Peterson, swearing he would kill him at sight. He is also mad at two or three others. Larson was not to be found yesterday.
Bismarck Weekly Tribune, 3/16/1883