

Round House Whistle Turned Loose and Bells Were Rung—Cannon-crackers Notified Everybody That the Old Year Had Passed Away

New Year's Eve was fittingly observed in Minot. A Union Watchinight service was held at the M. E. church, many watching the old year out and the new in. A number of enjoyable parties were held.

Judge William Murray entertained in his own style, a number of friends. He was a royal host. A dance was held at Saueressig's machinery hall. A large crowd attended this affair. The Pioneer club gave a swell ball. The orchestra for the Oard-Fenwick theatre one of the best that ever played here, furnished the music.

At 12 o'clock the round whistle was turned loose. Many people who had forgotten all about New Year's eve, crawled out of their warm beds and rushed into the cold to ascertain where the fire was. The man who manipulated the whistle was a novice. The thing shrieked, it tooted, it rent the air with long dashes. Bells were rung. Canon fire crackers were touched off in all parts of the city. If this year in Minot is as lively as she was ushered in Thursday night, there will be a busy lot of people and no mistake.

Ward County Independent, 1/6/1904

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Posted 12/31/2015