Powerful As He Is

Mrs. C. J. Gordon was asphyxiated Tuesday at Fargo by escaping fumes from a heating stove at her residence, 311 Seventh avenue south, and her two children are in serious condition, they having been saved by the use of a pulmotor. The discovery was made about 9:3 o'clock {sp} yesterday morning. When the discovery of the tragedy was made Drs. Burton and Brown were at once summoned and the pulmotor was taken from the Union Light, Heat & Power company. After working with the children for several hours they were saved. They are Constance, aged 4 years and 6 months, and Carlton, aged 3 years and six months. Mrs. Gordon was dead when discovered.

Valley City Times-Record, 2/6/1913

Snappy Gentleman

Posted 03/08/2014