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Robs Passengers; Steals Auto.

Fargo, Sept. 20.—After killing Harry Carter, a negro, as the result of a quarrel over a card game, a white man, whose identity is unknown, is alleged to have held up an automobile party at the point of a revolver near Hope, N.D., and escaped in their car. A sheriff's posse is in pursuit.

Turtle Mountain Star, 9/25/1913


Hope, N.D., Oct. 3.—Charles Cain, charged with shooting Harry Carter, colored, was bound over to the district court under $10,000 bond, being charged with attempt to kill.

Bismarck Tribune, 10/4/1913

Editor note: "killed" in the first article vs "attempt to kill" in the second may be confusion over whether 'shot' means a result of death, a common newspaper mistake.

Of Great Fury

Posted 10/20/2014