Dropped Dead

When the N. P. Flyer stopped at the station Friday night a passenger who had bought a ticket to Pembina was sitting apparently asleep, but when one of the train hands tried to awaken him he found he whs {sp} dead. He was a man of about forty years of age and a tradesman in appearance. There was nothing on his person to identify him. The body was turned over to undertaker Moorehead where the remains laid until Tuesday when the corpse was identified as that of A. J. Divine, of Fargo, a plumber. He had a wife and two children in Fargo who were notified and the remains were forwarded the next morning. It is believed he was on his way to Winnipeg looking for work and that he was overtaken by heart failure.

Pembina Pioneer Express, 6/7/1912

The Clothing

Posted 06/18/2015