Sodomy and Incest

Rev. M. Njust was brought to town last Sunday by his neighbors in an insane condition. He was taken before the board of insanity Monday and adjudged insane and was committed to the asylum at Jamestown by County Judge C. H. Johnson. The reverend gentleman was insane a few years ago, we understand, and was treated at St. Peters, Minn {sp}. Last month he had an attack of the grippe which seems to have been the means of unbalancing his mind. He is not very bad and his malady is a peculiar one. He imagines that if he could see King Oscar he could settle the disputes between the different nations. It is to be hoped that the reverend gentleman will speedily recover and be returned to his family. Sheriff Jackson took him to Jamestown Tuesday.

Griggs County Courier, 4/9/1897

At Once

Posted 04/04/2017