Suicide on Train


Geo. L. Smith, living near Bantry was arrested Tuesday on complaint of Mrs. Ella Street, for assault and battery.

From the story told by the complaining witnesses, the trouble arose over two calves that strayed onto Smith's land. Mrs. Street sent her daughters out to drive the animals back and they had to go across plowed ground, that was seeded to grain. Smith saw them and immediately came out with a raw hide whip and was wielding it to good advantage on the younger daughter when the mother stepped into the melee. Smith's attention was diverted to Mrs. Street and when he got through, the woman was severely cut on the arms, face and body. The daughter was not hurt from the fact that she had on a heavy coat.

Smith was taken to Towner and the hearing was conducted before Judge Bagley. He plead guilty and was fined $25 and cost amounting to $45.

Ward County Independent, 5/25/1911

White Dress

Posted 03/12/2016