Look Out For Your Dog


Bachelors and Restaurant Keepers Offer Inducements.

There is a famine of women in Cando, both in the culinary and drawing room departments, and as a result the bachelors and restaurantkeepers are up in arms and are keeping the wires hot in an endeavor to relieve the stringency. Inducements in the way of good homes or munificent salaries are being set forth in advertisements which have been inserted in the daily papers throughout the state, and although the visible supply is as yet nowhere equal to the demand, the advertisements are meeting with partial success.

Girls for all kinds of work in the Towner county metropolis are decided conspicuous by their absence. The millinery shops are overwhelmed with orders for new spring bonnets and cannot catch up with their work owing to a lack of help.

Golden Valley Chronicle, 4/18/1907

Not Necessary In America

Posted 03/31/2016