Dastardly Deed


Walter Ross, a restaurant man of Tolley, came to town Tuesday evening and proceeded to get into trouble at once. The first thing he did was to fill his hide full of booze and proceeded to the home of Mrs. Boeck who had been in his employ recently. It happened that a Mr. Shanks was there and this highly displeased Ross, who proceeded to buy a gun and return to the Boeck residence. He made a flash, but Shanks who was too quick for him, took the gun from Ross, gave him a sound thrashing and had him arrested. Ross was taken before Judge Kahellek yesterday and was bound over in the sum of $1,000. This he failed to produce and last night was taken to Minot.—Kenmare Journal.

Ward County Independent, 12/1/1910

Sound Sleeper

Posted 01/05/2017