Government Brand


Friday, January 29, 1915. — Some of the residents of West Fourth street were privileged to see a unique exhibition in the way of winter sports yesterday, when the proprietor of one of the leading meat markets and one of his men attempted to conduct a fine sleek steer to the slaughter house. With a guide rope for each man Mr. Steer went well for about a square, when suddenly he seemed to conclude that the men might just as well slide as guide. No sooner thought than done, and the screened spectators, saw two men being drawn through the street on that part of their pants where mother used to put the spanks.

It was an air ship and motor boat combined, and the Steer-ing gear worked perfectly with every spark plug doing time to the snort of the power plant. Down the street into the alley the glide was made, and had it not been for a friendly clothes-line post, and the texture of the driver's clothes, there is no telling what might have been the end of this manifestation of human grit and marvelous display of steer-wit.

Valley City Times-Record, 2/4/1915

German Contractor

Posted 02/07/2014