Fargo Ford Building Collapsed
Two Men Missing, Are Believed To Be Buried In The Ruins Of Building.
Building, When Completed, Would Have Cost About $100,000
Fargo N.D. Feb 3—Two floors of the new building of the Ford Motor Co. building, which is being constructed on North Broadway, crashed to the ground while workmen were employed on the second floor pouring concrete and as a result three men are in St. Luke's Hospital in quite a serious condition although it is reported that it is believed that they will live.
The most seriously injured is John Erickson, a carpenter boss who had his legs badly crushed and who is otherwise injured. The other seriously injured workmen are H Campbell and Ernest Kroal, but at this time it is impossible to tell exactly how badly injured these two men are. All three are only conscious part of the time and Kroal and Campbell are neither able to see. Several other of the workmen were more or less hurt although none of a nature to confine them to their homes.
The accident happened shortly before noon. The workmen were busily engaged pouring concrete on the second floor of the building when workmen noticed the floor begin to sag. They gave the cry of alarm and all rushed to make their escape, which probably accounts for as few being hurt as was the case.
Damage to Building Big.
The damage to the building is large. Just what the loss will be is not known as it has not been estimated by the Ford Motor Co, which are erecting the building itself by day labor. However it will be big as two floors are practically a total loss and a portion of the north side of the building caved in.
The cause of the giving way of the structure has not been fixed, but the indications are that work was started on the second floor before concrete on the first floor had been thoroughly set. It would seem that this is the case as the reinforcing rods are all bare of all concrete and are bent downward instead of being broken off.
The building, when completed, would have cost in the neighborhood of $100,000. It was being constructed entirely of reinforced concrete and would have been one of the best structures in the city. The loss will be a heavy one to the Ford Motor Co., not only in the building itself, but in the delay that will now be caused in completing the structure. Just how much of the structure will have to be reconstructed is doubtful. A large part of the cribbing wall will have to be rebuilt.
Two Men Missing.
Late this afternoon it was discovered that Nelson and Hall, two workmen who were in the building when it collapsed, are missing and it is almost certain that they are buried under the ruins.
When this discovery was made, the fire department was again called out and a large crew of men was set to work in the attempt to dig out the missing men.
It is learned that they will not be found alive, however, as they are undoubtedly buried under a great mass of ruins.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 2-4-1915
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