Colony in Stutsman County are Using Universal Language.
Jamestown—A colony of people in the vicinity of Gem, in northern Stutsman county, have actively taken up Esperanto and employ the new language in their own homes and in communication with their neighbors who are interested in the new language.
The movement was initiated by Franz Frankgeld who recently moved into the country from Nebraska. His children speak it as readily as they do English. A 3-year-old child is learning the language and her parents state grasps the new language rapidly.
It is planned to conduct school in which all interested neighbors may participate and where their children may be instructed. Several families have taken up the study and find it fascinating and interesting. Norwegian, German, and Russian students at social gatherings and in business dealings with each other employ Esperanto instead of English and understand one another with ease.
Turtle Mountain Star, 8/11/1910