Wounded Bird


House Found In Flames and Aged Woman Bleeding From Severed Artery.

While returning to Milton from a drive southwest of town on Monday evening, Dr. Elliott and Wilson Cox observed a fire in the house of old Mrs. Meling, and upon entering found one corner of the house in flames and the old lady bleeding terribly from a severed artery. After some work the men succeeded in extinguishing the flames and also stopped the flow of blood. Mrs. Meling lives alone on a farm about three-fourths of a mile from her son, E. L. Meling. It seems that the lamp had in some way overturned, and while attempting to throw it out the woman cut her wrist on the broken glass, severing an artery in her wrist. The opportune arrival of the two men not only saved the house from destruction, but very likely also the old lady's life, as she was weakening fast from the loss of blood.

The Wahpeton Times, 5/27/1904


Posted 05/30/2018