Portrait of a Woman

Got the Best of It.

A letter dated Dec. 28, from a Tribune subscriber in the Yellowstone Valley, says that last week Miss Kate Frising had an altercation at Morgan's Ranch with another belle, known as the Murphy girl. Miss Murphy started on horseback for Glendive, where an autumn zephyr caught her. She abandoned her horse, and the mail carrier, Mr. Wm. Connor, found her in a snow-bank. Her limbs were frozen stiff, from her knees down; her hands and face were also badly frozen. He procured a conveyance, and took her to Glendive, where the kind hearted Calamity Bill (no relation to Calamity Jane) did everything in his power to relieve her until she could be sent to her relatives, who reside above there.

Bismark Tribune, 1/9/1880

Election Day Damages

Posted 11/05/2012