Flames Shot Out

Killed Husband In Self Defense, Is Plea

Towner, N. D. Dec. 31—That she killed her husband in self defense is the plea of Mrs. Frank Oberdear, arrested after she had slain him in a quarrel in their home near Towner.

According to the story told to the officials by the woman, her husband was in a belligerent mood and made threats against her. She took refuge in an upstairs room of the residence, and he followed her within a few minutes. Armed with a shotgun, she confronted him with an order to advance no farther. He paid no attention to her, continuing in a threatening attitude, when she shot him. The charge hit him in the face, tearing away part of the jaw. He staggered downstairs and into a bedroom, where he died within a few minutes.

Grand Forks Herald, 12/31/1918

On Hands And Knees

Posted 01/11/2017