Shot in Hand
John Hamilton, one of our prosperous farmers living north of this city met with a very painful accident Monday evening by being shot in the hand. He was with a threshing crew near Bonetrail at the time and was leaning against a wagon, his hand hanging down inside the box. One of the crew had a shotgun and this was accidentally discharged. The charge of shot went through the wagon box and part of it lodged in Hamilton's hand. He was brought to this city for treatment and the shot was removed. Luckily his hand was not shattered by the charge of shot and he will not lose the use of it.
Williston Graphic, 9/1/1910
The Star regrets to state that the triplets born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jolliffe on Wednesday, July 26, have since died. The little girl died when only seven hours old. One of the boys died on Saturday, Aug. 5, and the other boy died yesterday. funeral services were held last evening, Rev. Z. James officiating.
Turtle Mountain Star, 8/10/1911
Jamestown, N.D., Nov 7—Mrs. John H Steele, 54 years old, a prominent farmer of Stutsman county, died at her home here today as a result of burns received when she used gasoline to start a fire in her cook stove. Live coals caused the gasoline to explode, her clothes being burned from her body.
Bismarck Tribune, 11/7/1917
Last Monday night burglars attempted to get into the home of O. J. Larson, but they were foiled in their efforts as Mr. Larson woke up in time and made a noise like a gatling gun. This frightened the burglars who ran away, leaving an axe below the window. It would be well for the citizens of the town to be well armed at this time of the year so as to be ready for action at any time night prowlers are about.
Turtle Mountain Star, 8/19/1909
While moving a house from Hickson to the Minnesota side of the Red river, the team pulling it became frightened at the bridge and jumped over the railing, taking the house and three men into the river twenty feet below. Two of the men were severely injured, while the third, Lars Olson, was so badly bruised and crushed that his recovery is doubtful. The furniture was a total loss and the building was badly damaged.
Jamestown Alert, 11/19/1896
Defiance—The mystery of a local fire has been cleared by the confession of a school girl that she ignited the curtains to see them burn.
Turtle Mountain Star, 3/23/1922