Joseph Andrews, three miles from
Swan Lake, lost his house by fire recently. Nothing saved except a baby, which a ventursome youth rushed into the burning building and saved a few moments before the roof fell in.
Bismarck Tri-Weekly Tribune, 7/27/1877
Carrie Clark was frightened by burglars last week. Her screams brought relief and a gentleman in time to fire three shots at the fleeing burglar.
Bismarck Tribune, 9/4/1878
John McCoy, a landseeker, shot himself at
Donnibrook. The bullet of his revolver took an upward course and came out near his eye, knocking out several teeth and a part of his jaw bone. He is in the hospital in Minot and will recover. McCoy had attempted to file on a tract of land that he found had been taken.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 6/23/1904
Struck By Lightning
John Ericson, a farmer whose farm lies just north of the Chase farm, was struck by lightning during the storm of yesterday, and is one of the few who lives to tell about it. He was sitting on the bed when the bolt struck him, and it seemed to strike on the thigh and pass in a direct line through his body. The thigh was blistered, and he suffered much pain internally. A doctor was sent for last night to go to the farm and attend him.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 7/26/1897
Scalded By Tea—The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Duncan of
Wilton, says the News, was badly scalded a few days since by pulling a cup of hot tea from the table and receiving the fluid on her face and arms. She is now getting along nicely.
Bismarck Daily Tribune, 9/19/1906
Dynamite Kills Sheridan County Citizen Tuesday
A news report from Kief Wednesday stated that Jack Damchuk of eight miles south of Kief, in Sheridan county, had been killed by a dynamite explosion. The evidence seemed to indicate that the man committed suicide. He had lain down on a bed in a cook car on his farm and evidentally lit a match to a fuse below his head. His head was blown to bits.
Mouse River Farmers Press, 8/10/1934