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Fergus Falls Woman Arrested By Authorities at Fargo

Fargo.—Charged with killing her two weeks old illegitimate child, Olga Stansrud, of Fergus Falls, Minn., is in the custody of officials here, who say she has confessed. She is 35 years old, single, and the daughter of an Ottertail county farmer.

She is said to have come here and made arrangements to leave the child at a receiving home. After remaining there one night it is alleged she went out for a walk, took the child to a field just out of town, poured carbolic acid down its throat and then buried the body in a heap of refuse.

An attorney has been named to defend the woman.

Turtle Mountain Star, 5/29/1913

Would-Be-Hold-Up Finds He Tackled Wrong Lot of Boys

Bowman, N.D., June 9.—When Carl Holmburg appeared in the door of Dave Fronsen's ranch house and covered the owner and his crew, who were at the supper table, he aroused a pack of all around athletes, who overpowered him and considerably mussed him up before he had time to pull a trigger. After Holmberg regained consciousness he was taken to Rhame and delivered over to Sheriff Norem. Under the circumstances it is believed Holmburg is slightly demented. No sane man would undertake to hold up Fronsen's gang with anything less formidable than a Big Bertha.

Bismarck Tribune, 6/9/1917


Grand Forks, N.D., Mar. 16. Supposedly despondent over the fact that a 14-year-old girl with whom he had been keeping company had turned him down, Roland Monroe of Emerson, Man., shot and killed himself some time last night, his dead body being found in the ice rink at Pembina this morning. At his side was found the revolver, only one shot being fired.

Monroe had come to Pembina last night with the Emerson hockey team that met the Pembina team.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 3/17/1911

Bismarck Rubies

A party of prospectors went out near the river bank yesterday afternoon and skirmished around in the loose dirt for relics and precious stones. Their labors were doubly renewed, for in the evening when they returned they were well supplied with the most beautiful rubies and various other ornaments of nature. The most interesting feature of the hunt, however, was the black sand which was found and in which gold most always exists. The prospectors will continue their work, and startling developments may be looked for. Dr. Pettit has one of the smallest rubies on exhibition.

Bismarck Tribune, 5/30/1884

Sadly, rivers in North Dakota are not a good source of gold, despite several claims of finding some.

Canines Without Escorts Must Stay Off Edgeley Streets

Edgeley, N.D., May 2.—Dogs without escorts must stay off the streets of Edgeley. This is the warning from the police officers here who call attention to the city ordinance regarding dogs as nuisances and which provides that regardless of sex or species, unless accompanied by the owner or some other person, dogs must be kept off the streets.

Bismarck Tribune, 5-2-1917


Hettinger, N.D., March 1—Jerry LaPlante, who lives near Haynes, was examining his gun before going out for the day and in some way the gun went off, the charge striking his wife in the back, tearing away a part of the backbone. Help was summoned and arrangements made to take her to town but her spine was so badly injured that it gave away when the attempt was made to move her and she died before reaching the conveyance at the door.

The shooting was so purely accidental that the officials did not deem an inquest necessary. The grief-striken hsband is heartbroken and is left with four small children , the youngest being only about a month old.

Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, 3/1/1915

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